Vera Menchik: Chess Champion

Vera Menchik was the greatest Women's World Champion in history. She won the first eight consecutive Championships, scoring an unbelievable +78 -1 =4. She played in many top level international tournaments against the best Chess masters of her era. She beat World Champion Max Euwe twice- and she also beat Reshevsky, Opocensky, Sultan Khan, Albert Becker, Friedrich Samisch, and Harry Golombek.

Many of the images that appear in this video first appeared on Edward Winter's "Chess Notes," and I have included them in this video without first asking his permission. Mr. Winter has collected, scanned and posted many chess images on his website, often at considerable expense to himself, so he should at the least be properly accredited as the ultimate source for some of the images that appear in this or any other video. At the time I made the video I was not aware of this, as I found all of the images via a "Google image search. I do regard the use of any images, music or film in this video to fall under the fair use for education purposes under current US, Canadian, and EU copyright law.

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